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Noak Bridge Nature Reserve  -  wildlife

please send sightings in the Reserve of species not already listed this year
to info@nbnrs.org.uk, or post them to our Facebook page

sightings of wildlife in and around Basildon can be sent to
(accompanied by relevant photos or sound recordings if possible)

verified wildlife sightings are now submitted to The Essex Field Club,
who coordinate and maintain the county's biological records

results of Noak Bridge butterfly transects are available from the UKBMS

please note: most of the photos are from the gallery pages
and have been taken in earlier or later years

reported wildlife - animals & flowering plants & fungi - first sightings in the Reserve - 2024
brown rat (Mar)
fox (Apr)
grey squirrel (Jan)

black-headed gull (Mar)  (1)
blackbird (Jan)
blackcap (Mar)
blue tit (Jan)
Canada goose (Mar)  (1)
carrion crow (Mar)
chiffchaff (Mar)
collared dove (Apr)
common buzzard (Jun)  (1)
dunnock (Mar)  (2)
goldcrest (Mar)
goldfinch (Mar)
great spotted woodpecker (Aug)  (2,25)
great tit (Jan)
green woodpecker (Jan)  (2)
greenfinch (Apr)  (1)
herring gull (Mar)  (1)
house sparrow (Apr)
jackdaw (Mar)
jay (Jan)
lesser black-backed gull (Apr)  (1)
lesser whitethroat (Apr)
long-tailed tit (Mar)
magpie (Jan)
mallard (Mar)
moorhen (Jan)
pied wagtail (Apr)  (1)
robin (Jan)
song thrush (Jan)  (2,3)
sparrowhawk (Feb)
starling (Apr)
stock dove (Jul)  (2)
swift (Jun)  (1)
willow warbler (Apr)
wood pigeon (Jan)
wren (Mar)

grass snake (Jun)

slow worm (Jul)

   common frog (May)
edible frog (Apr)
smooth (common) newt (Mar)  (4)

great pond snail (May)

flower crab spider (Jun)
Tetragnatha spider (Jun)  (4,5)
nursery web spider (Jun)

2-spot ladybird (Apr)  (4)
7-spot ladybird (Jun)
common red soldier beetle (Jun)  (6)
ground beetle (Sep)  (4,5,7)
leaf beetle (Jun)  (4,8)
red-headed cardinal beetle (May)
thick-legged flower beetle (Jun)  (9)
wasp beetle (Jun)  (10)

dark-edged bee-fly (May)

Bacchini (Jun)  (4,5)
Batman hoverfly (Jun)  (11)
European drone fly (Jul)  (12)
marmalade hoverfly (Jul)  (13)
sun fly (May)  (14)

Sarcophaga carnaria (Jul)  (4)
Tachinid fly (Jun)  (4,15)

common froghopper (Jun)  (16)
forest bug (Jun)  (17)
trivial plant bug (Jun)  (4,18)
tarnished plant bug (Jul)  (4,19)
pond skater (Apr)  (5)

bedeguar gall wasp (Sep)  (20)
buff-tailed bumblebee (Mar)  (21)
common carder bee (Mar)
common wasp (Aug)
ivy bee (Sep)  (4)
mining bee (Jun)  (4,5)
red-tailed bumblebee (May)
tawny mining bee (Jul)
western honey bee (Jun)
white-tailed bumblebee (Mar)  (21)

   brimstone butterfly (Mar)
comma (Mar)
common blue (Jun)  (4)
gatekeeper (Jun)
green-veined white (May)
holly blue (May)
large skipper (Jun)
large white (May)
meadow brown (Jun)
orange tip (Apr)
peacock butterfly (Mar)
red admiral (May)
ringlet (Jun)
skipper (Jun)  (5,22)
small white (Apr)
speckled wood (Apr)

brimstone moth (Jul)
winter moth (Apr)  (23)
garden straw moth (Jul)
lunar hornet moth (Jun)
nettle-tap (Jul)

orange-tailed clearwing (Jun)
red-belted clearwing (Jun)
red-tipped clearwing (Jun)
yellow-legged clearwing (Jun)

black-tailed skimmer (Jun)
brown hawker (Jul)  (4)
common darter (Jun)
emperor dragonfly (Jul)
migrant hawker (Aug)
ruddy darter (Jul)
southern hawker (Jul)  (4)
southern migrant hawker (Jun)

azure damselfly (May)
blue-tailed damselfly (May)
common blue damselfly (Jun)
large red damselfly (Apr)
willow emerald damselfly (Jul)

Roesel's bush cricket (Jul)

common green grasshopper (Jul)  (24)

(1)    flying overhead
(2)    heard but not seen - identified by its call or song
(3)    first seen in March
(4)    identification not certain
(5)    species not identified
(6)    Rhagonycha fulva (also known as the hogweed bonking beetle / bloodsucker beetle)
(7)    possibly one of the 18 UK species in the genus Pterostichus
(8)    Chrysomelidae - maybe Klamath weed beetle or blue mint beetle or alder leaf beetle?
(9)    Oedemera nobilis (also known as the false oil beetle / swollen-thighed beetle)
(10)  Clytus arietis (a wasp-mimicking longhorn beetle)
(11)  Myathropa florea
(12)  Episyrphus balteatus
(13)  Eristalis arbustorum
(14)  Helophilus pendulus (also known as the footballer and the tiger hoverfly)
(15)  possibly Panzeria rudis?
(16)  Philaenus spumarius
(17)  Pentatoma rufipes (also known as the red-legged shield bug)
(18)  Closterotomus trivialis
(19)  Lygus pratensis (or possibly Lygus rugulipennis?)
(20)  Diplolepis rosae - larva - rose bedeguar gall, Robin's pincushion
(21)  buff/white-tailed bumblebees are hard to tell apart in the field
(22)  either Essex skipper or small skipper
(23)  Operophtera brumata - caterpillar
(24)  identification not certain - very green - possibly meadow grasshopper
(25)  first seen in October

asparagus (Aug)  (1)
barren brome (grass) (May)  (2)
bittersweet (Jun)
black horehound (Jun)
black medick (Jul)
blackthorn (Mar)
bramble (Apr)
bristly oxtongue (Jul)
Canadian goldenrod (Jul)
cat's-ear (Jun)
charlock (May)
chickweed (May)
cleavers (Apr)
cock's-foot (grass) (May)  (2)
common bird's-foot trefoil (Jun)
common centaury (Jun)
common couch grass (Jun)  (2)
common dog-violet (Feb)
common duckweed (Feb)  (1,2)
common fleabane (Jun)
common knapweed (Jun)
common mallow (May)
common mouse-ear (Apr)
common nettle (May)
common poppy (Jun)
common ragwort (Jun)
common reed (Jun)
common snowberry (Jun)
common vetch (May)  (3)
common water-plantain (Jun)
corncockle (Jun)
cow parsley (Mar)
creeping buttercup (Apr)
creeping cinquefoil (Jun)
creeping thistle (Jun)
crested dog's tail (grass) (Jun)  (2)
cuckoo pint (Apr)
curled dock (Jun)
cut-leaved crane's-bill (May)
daffodil (Mar)  (4)
daisy (Apr)
dandelion (Mar)
dog rose (May)

   dogwood (May)
dove's-foot crane's-bill (Jun)
elder (May)
English bluebell (Apr)
false fox-sedge (Jun)
field bindweed (Jun)
field rose (Jun)
garlic mustard (Apr)
goat's rue (Jun)
goat's-beard (Jul)
grass vetchling (Jun)
great reedmace (Jul)
great willowherb (Jun)
greater periwinkle (Apr)
greater plantain (Jul)
greater stitchwort (Mar)
ground ivy (Apr)
groundsel (Apr)
hairy bittercress (Mar)
hairy St John's-wort (Jun)
hawthorn (Apr)
hedge bedstraw (Jul)
hedge bindweed (Jun)
hedge mustard (Jul)
hedge woundwort (Aug)  (5)
hemlock (Jun)
herb Robert (Apr)
hoary cress (May)  (2)
hogweed (Jun)
holly (Apr)  (6)
honeysuckle (Apr)
ivy (Aug)
knotgrass (Sep)
least duckweed (Jul)
lesser celandine (Mar)
lesser stitchwort (Jun)
lesser trefoil (Jun)  (2)
lilac (Apr)
meadow buttercup (May)
meadow foxtail (grass) (Apr)
meadow vetchling (Jun)
Michaelmas daisy (Sep)

   nipplewort (Jun)
oxeye daisy (May)
pendulous sedge (Apr)
perennial ryegrass (May)  (2)
prickly sow thistle (Jun)
primrose (Mar)
privet (Jun)
purple loosestrife (Aug)
red bartsia (Jun)
red clover (May)
red dead nettle (Feb)
ribwort plantain (May)
sea club-rush (Jun)
sheep's sorrel (Jun)  (2)
smooth meadow-grass (May)  (2)
smooth sow thistle (May)
smooth tare (Jul)
soft rush (Jun)
Spanish bluebell (Apr)
spear thistle (Jun)
spotted medick (May)
stone parsley (Jul)
tufted vetch (Jun)
Turkish iris (May)
upright hedge parsley (Jul)
wall barley (grass) (Jun)
water-droplet (May)  (2,7)
water mint (Jul)
wayfaring tree (Apr)
white campion (Jun)
white clover (Jun)
white dead nettle (Mar)
wild carrot (Jul)
wild cherry (Feb)  (8)
wild teasel (Jun)
winter-cress (Apr)
wood avens (May)
wood dock (Jun)
yarrow (Jun)
yellow flag (May)
yellow rattle (May)
Yorkshire fog (grass) (Jun)

(0)    month when first seen flowering, unless noted otherwise
(1)    identification not certain
(2)    not in flower
(3)    previously identified as fodder vetch and bush vetch (?)
(4)    various hybrids
(5)    gone to seed
(6)    male flowers
(7)    if a water-droplet then possibly corky-fruited water-dropwort (Oenanthe pimpinelloides)
(8)    possibly ornamental cherry / hybrids

pleated inkcap (Parasola plicatilis) (Oct)  (1)
shaggy inkcap (Coprinus comatus) (Oct)

(1)    identification not certain

reported wildlife & flowering plants & fungi - first sightings in the Reserve - 2023
common shrew (Jul)  (1)
grey squirrel (Jan)
muntjac deer (Mar)  (2)
wood mouse (Jan)  (3)

black-headed gull (Feb)  (4)
blackbird (Jan)
blackcap (Apr)
blue tit (Jan)
Canada goose (Feb)  (4)
carrion crow (Jan)
chaffinch (Feb)
chiffchaff (Apr)
collared dove (Jun)
common tern (Apr)  (4)
common whitethroat (Apr)
cormorant (Feb)  (4)
dunnock (Feb)  (5,6)
fieldfare (Feb)  (7)
goldfinch (Jan)
greater spotted woodpecker (Apr)
great tit (Jan)
greenfinch (May)  (5)
grey wagtail (Apr)
greylag goose (Apr)  (4)
herring gull (Jan)  (4)
house sparrow (Apr)
jay (Jan)
lesser whitethroat (Apr)
long-tailed tit (Jan)
magpie (Jan)
mallard (Jan)
moorhen (Feb)
pied wagtail (Oct)  (4)
redwing (Feb)
robin (Jan)
song thrush (Feb)
sparrowhawk (Feb)
starling (Apr)  (4)
stock dove (Apr)  (5)
wood pigeon (Jan)
wren (Jan)  (5,6)

   grass snake (May)

slow worm (Jul)

great crested newt (May)
smooth (common) newt (Apr)
edible frog (Apr)

long-jawed orb weaver (Jun)  (8)

water louse (Jul)  (9)

7-spot ladybird (Jul)
common red soldier beetle (Jul)
soldier beetle (May)  (10,11)
thick-legged flower beetle (Jun)  (12)

dark-edged bee-fly (May)

common green bottle fly (May)  (2)

drone fly (Jun)  (10,13)
hornet mimic hoverfly (Jul)
lesser hornet hoverfly (Aug)
marmalade hoverfly (Jul)
pellucid fly (Aug)
sun fly (Aug)  (14)
the long hoverfly (Jun)
Bacchini (Aug)  (15)

forest bug (Jul)  (16)

buff-tailed bumblebee (Oct)
bumblebee (Feb)  (10)
common carder bee (Sep)
field cuckoo bee (Sep)
garden bumblebee (Oct)
red-tailed bumblebee (Aug)
western honey bee (Oct)
white-tailed bumblebee (Oct)

brown ant (May)  (10,17)

   brimstone butterfly (May)
brown argus (Aug)
comma (May)
common blue (Jun)
Essex skipper (Sep)
gatekeeper (Jul)
green-veined white (Aug)  (2)
holly blue (May)
large white (Jul)
meadow brown (Jul)
orange tip (Apr)
peacock butterfly (Jul)
purple hairstreak (Jul)
red admiral (Jun)
ringlet (Jul)
small heath (Jul)
small copper (Jul)
small white (May)
speckled wood (May)

figure of eight moth (May)  (18)
latticed heath moth (Jul)
shaded broad-bar (Jul)
white ermine moth (Aug)  (18)

black-tailed skimmer (Jun)
common darter (Aug)
emperor dragonfly (Jul)
hairy dragonfly (May)
migrant hawker (Aug)  (2)
ruddy darter (Jul)

azure damselfly (May)
blue-tailed damselfly (May)
common blue damselfly (Jun)
emerald damselfly (Jun)
large red damselfly (May)
willow emerald damselfly (Aug)

common field grasshopper (Jul)
meadow grasshopper (Jul)

dark bush cricket (Jul)

(1)    dead (on the boardwalk)
(2)    identification not certain
(3)    accidently disturbed while hibernating
(4)    flying overhead
(5)    heard but not seen - identified by its call or song
(6)    first sighted in March
(7)    winter migrant - first winter 2023 sighting in December
(8)    genus Tetragnatha, probably T. extensa, T. montana or T. striata
(9)    Ascellus aquaticus (in Rosebay Pond)
(10)  species not identified
(11)  black wing cases, orange thorax and body
(12)  Oedemera nobilis (also known as the false oil beetle / swollen-thighed beetle)
(13)  Eristalis
(14)  Helophilus pendulus (also known as the footballer and the tiger hoverfly)
(15)  tribe: Bacchini - genus: either Melanostoma or Platycheirus - on sow thistle
(16)  red-legged shield bug (Pentatoma rufipes)
(17)  there are about 50 ant species in the UK -- identification not attempted!
(18)  caterpillar

agrimony (Jun)
asparagus (Jun)
bittersweet (Aug)
black horehound (Jul)
black medick (Aug)
blackthorn (Apr)
bramble (Jun)
broad-leaved dock (Jun)
broad-leaved pondweed (May)  (1)
brome (Jun)  (2)
Canadian goldenrod (Jul)
chickweed (Mar)
cleavers (May)
club-rush (Jul)  (2)
cock's-foot (grass) (Jun)
cockspur grass (Sep)
common bird's-foot trefoil (Jun)
common dog-violet (Mar)
common duckweed (Feb)  (1)
common fleabane (Aug)
common knapweed (Jul)
common mallow (Jun)
common mouse-ear (Apr)
common nettle (Jun)
common snowberry (Sep)
common water-plantain (Jul)
common poppy (Jun)
common ragwort (Jun)
common reed (Jul)  (3)
common vetch (May)  (3)
cornflower (Jul)
cow parsley (Apr)
crab apple (Apr)
creeping buttercup (Apr)
creeping cinquefoil (Jun)
creeping thistle (Jun)
cuckoo pint (Apr)
cut-leaved crane's-bill (Jun)
daffodil (Mar)  (4)

   dandelion (Apr)
dog rose (May)
elder (Aug)  (5)
false fox-sedge (Jul)
fat hen (Aug)
field bindweed (Jul)
field forget-me-not (May)  (6)
field rose (May)
fodder vetch (May)  (3)
goat's rue (Jun)
great reedmace (Jun)
great willowherb (Jul)
greater periwinkle (Apr)
greater stitchwort (Apr)
ground ivy (Apr)
groundsel (Apr)
hairy bittercress (Mar)
hawkbit (Aug)  (2,3)
hawkweed (May) (2,3)
hawthorn (Apr)
hedge bindweed (Jul)
hedge mustard (Jul)
hedge woundwort (Aug)
hemlock (Jun)
herb Robert (Apr)
hoary ragwort (Sep)  (3)
hogweed (Jun)
honeysuckle (Jun)
ivy (Oct)  (5)
knotgrass (Sep)
meadow buttercup (May)
meadow foxtail (grass) (Apr)
meadow vetchling (Jun)
meadow-grass (Jun)  (2)
Michaelmas daisy (Sep)
mugwort (Jul)
nipplewort (Jul)
Oregon grape (Mar)  (7)

   oxeye daisy (May)
pendulous sedge (Aug)
perennial rye-grass (Jul)
perforate St John's wort (Jun)
prickly sow thistle (Aug)
primrose (Mar)
privet (Jun)
purple loosestrife (Aug)
red bartsia (Aug)
red clover (Aug)
red dead nettle (Feb)
redshank (Sep)
ribwort plantain (Aug)
scentless mayweed (Jun)  (3)
soft rush (Jun)
sow thistle (Aug)  (2,3)
Spanish bluebell (Apr)
spear thistle (Jul)
squash / pumpkin (Aug)  (8)
spotted medick (May)
stone parsley (Aug)
tomato (Sep)  (1)
tufted vetch (Jun)
Turkish iris (Jun)
upright hedge parsley (Jul)
(Aug)  (3)
wall barley (grass) (Jun)
water mint (Jul)
white clover (Jul)
white dead nettle (Apr)
wild carrot (Jun)  (3)
wild cherry (Feb)  (9)
wild teasel (Jun)
wood avens (May)
wood dock (Jun)
yellow flag (May)
yellow rattle (Jun)
Yorkshire fog (grass) (Jun)

(0)    month when first seen flowering, unless noted otherwise
(1)    not in flower
(2)    species not identified
(3)    identification not certain
(4)    various hybrids
(5)    berries - (ivy berries seen in February)
(6)    Myosotis arvensis - identification not certain
(7)    Mahonia aquifolium (holly-leaved berberry)
(8)    Cucurbita pepo
(9)  possibly ornamental cherry

bracket fungus (Nov)  (1)
Russula (Aug)  (1)
shaggy inkcap (Coprinus comatus) (Nov)
sulphur tuft (Hypholoma fasciculare) (Nov)

(1)  species not identified

reported wildlife & flowering plants & fungi - first sightings in the Reserve - 2022
barn owl (Jul)
blackbird (Jan)
blackcap (Mar)
blue tit (Jan)
Canada goose (May)  (1)
carrion crow (Jan)
chiffchaff (Mar)
collared dove (May)
common buzzard (Apr)
common whitethroat (May)
cormorant (Mar)  (1)
dunnock (Mar)
goldcrest (Oct)
goldfinch (Mar)
great tit (Jan)
greater spotted woodpecker (May)  (2)
herring gull (Jan)  (1)
house sparrow (Apr)
jay (Jan)
lesser black-backed gull (Jun)  (1)
little egret (Mar)  (1)
long-tailed tit (Jan)
magpie (Jan)
mallard (Mar)
moorhen (Mar)
robin (Jan)
song thrush (Apr)
starling (May)  (2)
wood pigeon (Jan)
wren (Jan)

   common shrew (Jul)  (3)
fox (Feb)
grey squirrel (Jan)
muntjac deer (Mar)

common lizard (Apr)
grass snake (Apr)
slow worm (May)

common frog (Apr)
edible frog (May)
great crested newt (May)
smooth (common) newt (May)

wolf spider (May)  (4)

7-spot ladybird (Mar)
red-headed cardinal beetle (May)

bee-fly (Mar)  (5)
superb ant-hill hoverfly (May)

greater water boatman (Jun)
pond skater (Mar)  (6)

buff/white-tailed bumblebee (Apr)  (7)
oak marble gall wasp (Aug)  (8)
   brimstone butterfly (Mar)
comma (Mar)
common blue (Jul)
Essex skipper (Jul)
gatekeeper (Aug)
holly blue (May)
large skipper (Jul)
large white (May)
meadow brown (Jul)
orange tip (Apr)
painted lady (May)
peacock butterfly (Apr)
red admiral (May)
ringlet (Jun)
small tortoiseshell (Apr)
small white (May)
speckled wood (Apr)

burnet companion (May)
burnet moth (Jun)  (9)
scalloped oak moth (Aug)

azure damselfly (May)
blue-tailed damselfly (May)
large red damselfly (May)

common darter (Aug)
black-tailed skimmer (May)
hairy dragonfly (May)
migrant hawker (Aug)

spotted snake fly (May)

(1)  seen flying overhead
(2)  heard but not seen - identified by its call or song
(3)  two common shrews found dead, lying on the ground in the Eastern section of the Reserve
(4)  female with egg sac - genus Pardosa
(5)  species not identified, but very likely Bombylius major (aka the dark-edged, greater or common bee-fly)
(6)  species not identified
(7)  unknown species of bumblebee first seen in March; buff/white-tailed bumblebees are hard to tell apart in the field
(8)  oak marble gall containing asexual larva (identification not certain)
(9)  caterpillar - either five spot or six spot burnet moth

asparagus (Jun)
bittersweet (May)
blackthorn (Mar)
bramble (May)
branched bur-reed (Jun)
bristly oxtongue (Nov)
broad-leaved pondweed (May)  (1)
Canadian goldenrod (Sep)
chickweed (Oct)
common bird's-foot trefoil (Jun)
common dog-violet (Mar)
common duckweed (Jan)  (1)
common fleabane (Aug)
common knapweed (Aug)
common mallow (Jun)
common nettle (Aug)
common snowberry (Sep)
common sorrel (Aug)
common water-plantain (Aug)
cow parsley (Jan)
creeping buttercup (Apr)
creeping thistle (Jun)
cuckoo pint (Mar)
daffodil (Mar)  (2)
daisy (Apr)
dandelion (Mar)

   elder (Jun)
field bindweed (Jun)
fodder vetch (May)  (3)
garlic mustard (Apr)
goat's rue (Jun)
great reedmace (Sep)
great willowherb (Jun)
greater periwinkle (Mar)
greater stitchwort (Mar)
ground ivy (Mar)
groundsel (Nov)
hairy St John's-wort (Jun)
hawthorn (Apr)
hedge bindweed (Jun)
hedge woundwort (Jun)
hemlock (May)
herb Robert (May)
hoary ragwort (Aug)  (3)
hogweed (Jun)
honeysuckle (Jun)  (1)
ivy (Nov)
lesser stitchwort (Jun)
lilac (Apr)
meadow buttercup (May)
meadow foxtail (grass) (May)
meadow vetchling (Aug)

   Michaelmas daisy (Sep)
mugwort (Aug)
Oregon grape (Mar)  (4)
primrose (Mar)
privet (Jun)
red bartsia (Aug)
red clover (Jun)
red dead nettle (Mar)
ribwort plantain (May)
soft rush (Aug)
Spanish bluebell (Apr)  (5)
spear thistle (Aug)
tufted vetch (Jun)
water-crowfoot (Jun)  (6)
water mint (Aug)
white clover (Jun)
white dead nettle (Jan)
wild cherry (Mar)  (7)
wild teasel (Jun)
wood avens (May)
wood dock (Jun)
yarrow (Aug)
yellow flag (May)
yellow rattle (Jun)
Yorkshire fog (grass) (Jun)

(0)  month when first seen flowering, unless noted otherwise
(1)  not in flower
(2)  various hybrids
(3)  identification not certain
(4)  Mahonia aquifolium (holly-leaved berberry)
(5)  blue and lilac varieties
(6)  either common water-crowfoot or pond water-crowfoot
(7)  possibly ornamental cherry

sepia bolete (Xerocomellus porosporus) (Sep)
velvet shank (Flammulina velutipes) (Jan)

reported wildlife & flowering plants & fungi - first sightings in the Reserve - 2021
black-headed gull (Mar)  (1)
blackbird (Jan)
blackcap (Mar)
blue tit (Jan)
bullfinch (Feb)
Canada goose (Feb)  (1)
carrion crow (Jan)
chaffinch (Feb)
chiffchaff (Mar)
collared dove (Feb)  (1)
common buzzard (Apr)
common whitethroat (May)
dunnock (Jan)
garden warbler (May)
goldfinch (Jan)
great tit (Jan)
greater spotted woodpecker (Feb)
green woodpecker (Feb)
greenfinch (Apr)
grey heron (Apr)  (1,2)
greylag goose (Mar)  (1)
herring gull (Jan)
house sparrow (Apr)
jay (Jan)
kestrel (Feb)  (3)
kingfisher (Oct)
lesser black-backed gull (Feb)  (1)
lesser whitethroat (Jun)
long-tailed tit (Jan)
mallard (Jan)
magpie (Jan)
moorhen (Jan)
pied wagtail (Jan)  (1)
redwing (Jan)
robin (Jan)
song thrush (Jan)
sparrowhawk (Jan)
starling (Jun)
swallow (Jul)
swift (Jul)  (1)
treecreeper (Jun)
wren (Jan)
wood pigeon (Jan)

   fox (Apr)
grey squirrel (Jan)
muntjac deer (Apr)
roe deer (Apr)

common lizard (Apr)
grass snake (Jun)

edible frog (May)  (4)
great crested newt (Apr)
smooth (common) newt (Mar)

great pond snail (Apr)

silver stretch spider (Jun)  (5)

brimstone butterfly (Apr)
comma (Apr)
gatekeeper (Jul)
green-veined white (Jul)
large white (Jul)
meadow brown (Jul)
orange tip (Apr)
peacock butterfly (Mar)
red admiral (Jul)
small skipper (Jul)
small white (Jun)
speckled wood (Jul)

   black-tailed skimmer (Jun)
broad-bodied chaser (Jun)
brown hawker (Jul)
common darter (Jul)
emperor dragonfly (Jul)
four-spotted chaser (Jun)
hairy dragonfly (Jun)
ruddy darter (Jun)

azure damselfly (Jun)
blue-tailed damselfly (Jun)
common blue damselfly (Jun)
emerald damselfly (Jul)
large red damselfly (Jun)
large red-eyed damselfly (Jun)

black ant (Jun)  (6)

bumblebee (Mar)  (7)

anthomyiid fly (Jul)  (8)
dark-edged bee-fly (Mar)  (9)

7-spot ladybird (Jun)
devil's coach horse beetle (Apr)
whirligig beetle (Apr)

dark bush cricket (Aug)
Roesel's bush cricket (Jul)

meadow grasshopper (Jul)

black aphid (Jun)  (10)
pond skater (Apr)  (7)

(0)    some birds were identified by their calls
(1)    birds flying overhead
(2)    seen flying out of Willow Pond in May
(3)    female, holding dead rodent, possibly a bank vole
(4)    heard croaking in Meadow Pond in May - seen in June
(5)    Tetragnatha montana - identification not certain
(6)    possibly Lasius niger (black garden ant)
(7)    species not identified
(8)    possibly Anthomyia procellaris
(9)    Bombylius major (aka the greater or common bee-fly)
(10)  possibly Aphis fabae (black bean aphid)

agrimony (Jul)
asparagus (Jun)
black horehound (Jul)
black medick (Aug)
blackthorn (Apr)
bramble (Jun)
bristly oxtongue (Oct)
broad-leaved pondweed (Aug)  (1)
Canadian goldenrod (Aug)
chickweed (Jan)
cleavers (May)
common bird's-foot trefoil (Jun)
common dog-violet (Feb)
common duckweed (Jan)  (1)
common fleabane (Aug)
common knapweed (Jul)
common mallow (Jun)
common mouse-ear (May)
common nettle (Jun)
common ragwort (Jul)
common snowberry (Sep)
common sorrel (Jul)
cow parsley (Jan)
creeping buttercup (May)
creeping cinquefoil (Jun)
cuckoo pint (Apr)
curled dock (Jun)
daffodil (Mar)  (2)
dandelion (Apr)
elder (May)
English bluebell (May)
false-brome (grass) (Aug)

   field bindweed (Jul)
field pennycress (May)
fodder vetch (May)  (3)
garlic mustard (May)
goat's rue (Jul)
grape hyacinth (Apr)
great reedmace (Aug)
great willowherb (Jul)
greater periwinkle (Apr)
greater plantain (Aug)
greater stitchwort (Apr)
ground ivy (Apr)
hairy bittercress (Apr)
hard rush (Aug)
hawthorn (May)
hedge bedstraw (Aug)
hedge bindweed (Jul)
hedge mustard (Jul)
hedge woundwort (Jun)
herb Robert (May)
hogweed (Jul)
honeysuckle (Jun)
hop trefoil (Jul)  (4)
knotgrass (Jul)
lesser stitchwort (Jul)
lilac (May)
meadow buttercup (May)
meadow foxtail (grass) (Jun)
meadow vetchling (Aug)
Michaelmas daisy (Sep)
mugwort (Jul)
nipplewort (Aug)  (4)

   opium poppy (Jun)
Oregon grape (Mar)  (4)
oxeye daisy (Jun)
perforate St John's wort (Jul)
prickly lettuce (Aug)
primrose (Mar)
privet (Jun)
rape (Jul)  (4)
red bartsia (Aug)
red clover (Jul)
red dead nettle (Mar)
ribbed melilot (Jul)
ribwort plantain (Jun)
sedum (stonecrop) (Jul)  (1,5)
smooth sow thistle (Jun)
soft rush (Aug)
Spanish bluebell (May)
spear thistle (Jul)
tufted vetch (Jun)
Turkish iris (Jun)
wall barley (grass) (Jun)
water-crowfoot (May)  (6)
water mint (Aug)
white clover (Jul)
white dead nettle (Jan)
wild cherry (Mar)  (7)
wild teasel (Jul)
wood dock (Jul)
yarrow (Jul)
yellow flag (May)
yellow rattle (Jul)
Yorkshire fog (grass) (Aug)

(0)  unless noted otherwise, month when first seen flowering
(1)  not in flower
(2)  various hybrids
(3)  identification not certain
(4)  Mahonia aquifolium (holly-leaved berberry)
(5)  possibly an escapee from the storage container roof (either English or White stonecrop)
(6)  either common water-crowfoot or pond water-crowfoot
(7)  possibly ornamental cherry

coral spot (Nectria cinnabarium) (Apr)
dryad's saddle (Cerioporus squamosus / Polyporus squamosus) (Oct)
sulphur tuft (Hypholoma fasciculare) (Nov)

reported wildlife & flowering plants & fungi - first sightings in the Reserve - 2020
bank vole (Jul)
fox (Mar)
grey squirrel (Apr)
muntjac deer (Mar)
roe deer (Feb)
wood mouse (Oct)  (1)

black-headed gull (Jul)  (2)
blackbird (Feb)
blackcap (Mar)
blue tit (Jan)
bullfinch (May)
Canada goose (Mar)  (2)
carrion crow (Jan)
chaffinch (Mar)
chiffchaff (Mar)
collared dove (Apr)
common buzzard (Sep)  (2)
common tern (May)  (2)
common whitethroat (May)
cormorant (Apr)  (2)
dunnock (Feb)
goldcrest (Oct)
goldfinch (Feb)
great tit (Jan)
greater spotted woodpecker (Mar)
green woodpecker (Aug)
greenfinch (Apr)
herring gull (Mar)
house martin (Jun)  (2)
house sparrow (Apr)
jay (Mar)
kestrel (Dec)  (3)
lesser black-backed gull (Apr)  (2)
lesser whitethroat (Apr)
long-tailed tit (Feb)
magpie (Jan)
mallard (Mar)
moorhen (Apr)
pied wagtail (Oct)
robin (Jan)
song thrush (Mar)
sparrowhawk (May)
starling (Apr)
swift (Jun)  (2)
wood pigeon (Jan)
wren (Mar)

   common lizard (Apr)
grass snake (Jun)
slow worm (Oct)  (3)

common frog (Jun)
edible frog (May)  (5)
smooth (common) newt (Apr)

flower crab spider (Jun)  (6)
nursery web spider (May)

harvestman (Jun)  (7)

brimstone butterfly (Jul)
comma (Apr)
common blue (Jul)
gatekeeper (Jul)
green-veined white (May)
holly blue (May)
large skipper (Jun)
large white (Apr)
meadow brown (Jun)
orange tip (Apr)
peacock butterfly (Apr)
purple hairstreak (Jul)
red admiral (May)
ringlet (Jun)
small copper (Jul)
small skipper (Jul)
small white (Apr)
speckled wood (Apr)

large yellow underwing (Apr)  (3,7)
cinnabar moth (Jul)  (8)
treble-bar moth (Jul)  (4)

Roesel's bush cricket (May)

   common carder bee (Apr)  (4)
European hornet (Apr)  (4)

Batman hoverfly (Jun)  (9)
sun fly (Jun)  (10)
the long hoverfly (Jun)  (11)

dark-edged bee-fly (Apr)  (12)
flesh fly (Jul)  (4)

common scorpion fly (Jun)  (13)

7-spot ladybird (May)
common red soldier beetle (Jul)  (14)
red longhorn beetle (May)  (15)
thick-legged flower beetle (May)  (16)

rose pea gall (Oct)  (3,17)

black-tailed skimmer (Jun)
common darter (Jun)
emperor dragonfly (Jul)
four-spotted chaser (May)
ruddy darter (Jul)

azure damselfly (May)
blue-tailed damselfly (May)
common blue damselfly (May)
large red damselfly (May)

cinnamon bug (May)
common water-measurer (May)  (18)
dock bug (May)
greater water boatman (Jul)  (19)
hairy shield bug (May)  (20)
pond skater (May)  (4)

(0)    some birds were identified by their calls
(1)    dead, found near the main entrance to the Reserve
(2)    flying overhead
(3)    also a possible sighting earlier in the year
(4)    identification not certain / species not identified
(5)    heard croaking in Puckles and Meadow Ponds - identification not certain
(6)    Misumena vatia
(7)    possibly Platybunus triangularis
(8)    caterpillar
(9)    Myathropa florea (male)
(10)  Helophilus pendulus (also known as the tiger hoverfly and the footballer)
(11)  Sphaerophoria scripta (female)
(12)  Bombylius major (aka the greater or common bee-fly)
(13)  Panorpa communis, male (identified using info from Worcestershire Record No 37)
(14)  Rhagonycha fulva - also known as the hogweed bonking beetle
(15)  Stictoleptura rubra
(16)  Oedemera nobilis (also known as the false oil beetle / swollen-thighed beetle)
(17)  gall wasp, genus Diplolepis
(18)  Hydrometra stagnorum
(19)  Notonecta glauca (common backswimmer)
(20)  Dolycoris baccarum (also known as the sloe bug)

asparagus (Apr)  (1)
bittersweet (Jun)
black horehound (Jun)
black medick (Jun)
blackthorn (Mar)
bramble (May)
bristly oxtongue (Jul)
Canadian goldenrod (Jul)
cleavers (May)
common bird's-foot trefoil (Jun)
common dog-violet (Feb)
common duckweed (May)  (1)
common field speedwell (May)
common fleabane (Jul)
common knapweed (Aug)
common mallow (Jun)
common nettle (Jun)
common ragwort (Jul)
common reed (Sep)  (2)
common snowberry (Aug)
common sorrel (Jun)
cow parsley (Apr)
creeping buttercup (May)
cuckoo pint (Feb)  (1)
cut-leaved crane's-bill (Oct)
daffodil (Mar)  (3)

   daisy (Jun)
dandelion (Apr)
dog rose (May)
elder (May)
false fox-sedge (Jun)  (2)
field bindweed (Jul)
common vetch (May)  (2)
garlic mustard (Apr)
goat's rue (Jun)
goat's-beard (May)
great reedmace (Jul)
great willowherb (Jul)
greater periwinkle (Apr)
greater stitchwort (Apr)
groundsel (Oct)
hawthorn (May)
hedge bindweed (Jul)
hedge woundwort (Jun)
herb Robert (May)
hogweed (Oct)
honeysuckle (May)
lilac (Apr)
meadow buttercup (May)
meadow vetchling (Jun)
Michaelmas daisy (Sep)
mugwort (Sep)

   nipplewort (Jun)
oxeye daisy (Jun)
pendulous sedge (Jun)
prickly sow thistle (May)
primrose (Apr)
privet (Jun)
purple loosestrife (Jul)
red bartsia (Aug)
red clover (Jun)
red dead nettle (Feb)
ribwort plantain (Jun)
sedum (stonecrop) (Jan)  (1,4)
Spanish bluebell (Apr)
spear thistle (Oct)
swamp stonecrop (Jun)  (1,5)
tufted vetch (Jul)
Turkish iris (May)
water mint (Jul)
white clover (Jul)
white dead nettle (Jan)
wild cherry (Feb)
wild teasel (Jun)
yarrow (Jun)
yellow flag (May)
yellow rattle (Jun)

(1)  not in flower (berries of asparagus and cuckoo pint seen in July)
(2)  identification not certain
(3)  various hybrids
(4)  on the roof of the biodiversity storage container
(5)  an invasive species in Puckles Pond (there are plans to remove it)

glistening inkcap (Coprinellus micaceus) (Oct)  (1)
many-zoned polypore (Coriolus versicolor) (Mar)
oakmoss lichen (Evernia prunastri) (Jan)
xanthoria (Jan)  (2)

(1)  identification not certain
(2)  either common yellow lichen (Xanthoria parietina) or cushion xanthoria (Xanthoria polycarpa)

reported wildlife & flowering plants & fungi - first sightings in the Reserve - 2019
blackbird (Jan)
blackcap (Apr)
blue tit (Jan)
chaffinch (Mar)
chiffchaff (Jan)
collared dove (Apr)
dunnock (Apr)
great tit (Jan)
greenfinch (Apr)
grey heron (Aug)  (2)
jay (Jan)
long-tailed tit (Jan)
magpie (Jan)
mallard (Apr)
moorhen (May)
robin (Feb)
sparrow (Apr)
wood pigeon (Jan)
wren (Mar)

   grey squirrel (May)
muntjac deer (Dec)

common frog (Jul)  (3)
newt (Mar)  (4)

flower crab spider (May)  (5)

bedeguar gall wasp (Oct)  (6)
buff-tailed bumblebee (Mar)  (7)
cuckoo bee (Nomada) (May)  (8)

7-spot ladybird (Jul)
common red soldier beetle (May)

common darter (Oct)  (9)
migrant hawker (Aug)
ruddy darter (Jul)  (10)

   celery fly (May)

dock bug (May)
pond skater (Apr)
striped oak bug (May)  (11)

brimstone butterfly (Apr)
holly blue (Aug)
large white (Jul)
marbled white (Jul)
meadow brown (Jul)
painted lady (Apr)
peacock butterfly (Apr)
red admiral (Apr)
small white (Apr)
speckled wood (Aug)

winter moth (Apr)  (12)
(1)  some birds were identified by their calls
(2)  flying over the Reserve
(3)  seen in Meadow Pond - frogs also seen in Puckles Pond in August and in Fox Pond in October
(4)  species not identified (likely to be either smooth or great crested)
(5)  (ID not certain) posibly yellow form of Misumena vatia
(6)  Diplolepis rosae - larva - rose bedeguar gall, Robin's pincushion
(7)  buff-tailed and white-tailed bumblebees are hard to tell apart in the field
(8)  species not identified
(9)  female
(10)  immature male
(11)  Rhabdomiris striatellus / Calocoris quadripunctatus (identified by the black tip to the cuneus)
(12)  Operophtera brumata - caterpillar

asparagus (May)  (1)
bittersweet (Oct)
black horehound (Jun)
black medick (Jun)
blackthorn (Mar)
bramble (May)
bristly oxtongue (Jul)
broad-leaved pondweed (May)  (1)
Canadian goldenrod (Aug)
chickweed (Apr)
common dog-violet (Mar)
common duckweed (Mar)  (1)
common fleabane (Jul)
common mallow (Jun)
common nettle (Jun)
common ragwort (Jul)
common snowberry (Aug)
common sorrel (Jun)
cow parsley (Apr)
creeping buttercup (May)
creeping cinquefoil (Jul)
cuckoo pint (May)
cleavers (May)
cut-leaved crane's-bill (Jun)
daffodil (Mar)  (2)

   dandelion (Mar)
devil's-bit scabious (Aug)
dog rose (Aug)
elder (May)
false fox-sedge (Jul)
field bindweed (Jul)
fodder vetch (May)  (3)
garlic mustard (Apr)
germander speedwell (Apr)
goat's rue (Jun)
grape hyacinth (Apr)
great reedmace (Jul)
great willowherb (Jul)
greater periwinkle (Apr)
greater stitchwort (Apr)
ground ivy (Sep)
hawthorn (May)
hedge bindweed (Aug)
hedge woundwort (Jun)
hemlock (May)
herb Robert (May)
ivy (Hedera helix) (Oct)  (1)
lilac (Apr)
meadow buttercup (May)
meadow foxtail grass (Jun)

   meadow vetchling (Jun)
Michaelmas daisy (Oct)
mugwort (Jul)
oxeye daisy (Jun)
pendulous sedge (Jul)
perforate St John's wort (Aug)
prickly lettuce (Aug)
primrose (Mar)
purple loosestrife (Aug)
red bartsia (Aug)
red campion (May)
red dead nettle (Mar)
scarlet pimpernel (Jul)
sedum (stonecrop) (Jan)  (1,4)
Spanish bluebell (Apr)
spear thistle (Jul)
swamp stonecrop (Aug)  (1,5)
Turkish iris (Jun)
water mint (Sep)
white campion (Jun)
white dead nettle (Mar)
wild teasel (Aug)
yarrow (Aug)
yellow rattle (Jun)

(1)  not flowering
(2)  various hybrids
(3)  purple & white varieties - has also been identified as bush vetch
(4)  on the roof of the biodiversity storage container
(5)  in Puckles Pond (this is an invasive species, and there are plans to remove it)

bracket fungus (Apr)  (1)
candlesnuff fungus (stag's horn) (Xylaria hypoxylon) (Nov)
honey fungus (Armillaria mellea) (Nov)
meadow puffball (Aug)  (2)
shaggy inkcap (Coprinus comatus) (Oct)

(1)  species not identified
(2)  identification not certain

reported wildlife & flowering plants & fungi - first sightings in the Reserve - 2018
blackbird (Jan)
blackcap (Apr?)
blue tit (Feb)
bullfinch (Feb)
common buzzard (Oct)
chiffchaff (Apr)
collared dove (Mar)
dunnock (May)
fieldfare (Jan)
goldfinch (May)
great tit (Jan)
long-tailed tit (Feb)
jay (Mar)
kingfisher (May)
magpie (Jan)
mallard (Feb)
robin (Mar)
sparrow (May)
thrush (Nov)  (1)
common whitethroat (May)
wood pigeon (Jan)
wren (Mar)

   grey squirrel (Mar)
muntjac deer (Mar)
vole (Feb)  (2)

common frog (May)  (3)
grass snake (May)  (4)
smooth newt (Apr)

black-tailed skimmer (Jun)
blue-tailed damselfly (Jun)  (5)
common blue damselfly (May)
emerald damselfly (Aug)
large red damselfly (May)  (6)
migrant hawker (Aug)
ruddy darter (Aug)

common carder bee (Aug)
buff/white-tailed bumblebee (Apr)  (7)

   marsh tiger hoverfly (Jun)  (8)

brimstone butterfly (Apr)
comma (Apr)
common blue (Jun)
gatekeeper (Jul)
large white (Jun)
marbled white (Jun)  (6)
meadow brown (Jun)
peacock butterfly (Apr)
comma (Jul)
speckled wood (Jun)

common field grasshopper (Aug)
meadow grasshopper (Aug)

7-spot ladybird (Apr)
common red soldier beetle (Jul)  (9)

pond skater (Apr)
shield bug (Jun)  (10)

(1)  species not identified (mistle or song thrush)
(2)  species not identified, seen on the High Ridge in the snow, probably bank vole or field vole
(3)  species identification not certain (Meadow Pond), confirmed sighting August (Puckles Pond)
(4)  seen at Meadow Pond
(5)  female
(6)  identification not certain, seen in the cleared scrubland area
(7)  species hard to differentiate in the field
(8)  Helophilus hybridus
(9)  Rhagonycha fulva - also known as the hogweed bonking beetle
(10)  species not identified, seen in the cleared scrubland area

black medick (Jun)
blackthorn (Mar)
bramble (Jun)
broad-leaved dock (Jul)
broad-leaved pondweed (Jun)
Canadian goldenrod (Jul)
charlock (May)
chives (Dec)  (1)
cleavers (May)
common dog-violet (Mar)
common duckweed (Jan)  (1)
common fleabane (Jul)
common knapweed (Aug)
common mallow (Jun)
common nettle (May)
common ragwort (Jun)
common sorrel (Jun)
cow parsley (May)
creeping buttercup (May)

   creeping cinquefoil (Jun)
cuckoo pint (Apr)
dandelion (Apr)
bittersweet (Jun)
dog rose (Jun)
elder (May)
field bindweed (Jun)
fodder vetch (Jun)
garlic mustard (Apr)
goat's rue (Jul)
grass vetchling (Jun)
great reedmace (Jul)
great willowherb (Jun)
greater stitchwort (Apr)
hawthorn (May)
hedge bindweed (Aug)
hemlock (Jun)
herb Robert (May)
hogweed (Jun)

   honeysuckle (May)
lilac (May)
meadow buttercup (Apr)
meadow vetchling (Jun)
Michaelmas daisy (Oct)
primrose (Apr)
privet (Jun)
purple loosestrife (Aug)
red bartsia (Aug)
red clover (Jun)
red dead nettle (Feb)
ribbed melilot (Jun)
ribwort plantain (Jun)
sedum (stonecrop) (Aug)  (3)
Spanish bluebell (May)
tufted vetch (Jun)
white dead nettle (Feb)
yellow flag (Jun)
yellow rattle (Jun)

(1)  not flowering
(2)  has also been identified as bush vetch
(3)  on the roof of the biodiversity storage container

candlesnuff fungus (stag's horn) (Xylaria hypoxylon) (Nov)
fly agaric (Amanita muscaria) (Oct)
shaggy inkcap (Coprinus comatus) (Nov)
yellow brain fungus (Tremella mesenterica) (Feb)

reported wildlife & flowering plants & fungi - first sightings in the Reserve - 2017
fox (Dec)
muntjac deer (Jun)
grey squirrel (Nov)

blackbird (Jan)
blackcap (Apr)  (1)
blue tit (Jan)
chiffchaff (Apr)  (1)
dunnock (Apr)  (1)
goldfinch (Jan)
great tit (Jan)
jay (Nov)
long-tailed tit (Mar)
magpie (Jan)
partridge (Nov)
robin (Jan)
song thrush (Jun)
sparrow (Apr)
sparrowhawk (Dec)
wood pigeon (Mar)
wren (Apr)  (1)

   edible frog (Jun)  (2)
smooth newt (Apr)

great pond snail (Mar)

common darter (Jun)
four-spotted chaser (Jun)

common blue damselfly (Jun)

7-spot ladybird (Aug)
10-spot ladybird (Jun)  (3)

oak bush-cricket (Jun)  (4)

pond skater (Mar)

   Essex skipper (Jun)
holly blue (Jun)
large skipper (Jun)
large white (Jun)
meadow brown (Jun)
orange tip (Apr)
red admiral (Jun)
ringlet (Jun)
small copper (Jul)
small white (Apr)
small tortoiseshell (Jun)
speckled wood (Apr)

brimstone moth (Jun)  (5)
china mark moth (Jun)  (6)

(1)  birds identified by their calls
(2)  edible frog - identification not certain - heard, not seen
(3)  identification not certain
(4)  nymph
(5)  Opisthograptis luteolata
(6)  identification as a species of Acentropinae not certain

black horehound (Jun)
black medick (Jun)
blackthorn (Mar)
bramble (Jun)
bristly oxtongue (Jun)
broad-leaved dock (Jun)
broad-leaved pondweed (Jun)  (1)
Canadian goldenrod (Jul)
charlock (May)
cleavers (May)
common bird's-foot trefoil (Jun)
common dog-violet (Mar)
common duckweed (Jun)
common fleabane (Aug)
common mallow (Jun)
common nettle (Jun)
common ragwort (Jun)
common sorrel (Jun)
cow parsley (Mar)

   creeping cinquefoil (Jun)
creeping thistle (Jun)
daffodil (Mar)  (2)
daisy (Apr)
dandelion (Mar)
dog rose (Aug)
field bindweed (Jun)
fodder vetch (May)
garlic mustard (Apr)
goat's rue (Jun)
great willowherb (Jun)
hawthorn (Mar)
hedge bindweed (Jun)
herb Robert (Apr)
honeysuckle (Aug)
knotgrass (May)
lilac (Apr)
meadow buttercup (Apr)

   meadow vetchling (Jun)
Michaelmas daisy (Sep)
oxeye daisy (Jun)
perforate St John's wort (Jun)
privet (Jun)
primrose (Mar)
red bartsia (Jun)
red clover (Jun)
red dead nettle (Apr)
ribwort plantain (Jun)
scarlet pimpernel (Jun)
self-heal (Mar)
Spanish bluebell (Apr)
spear thistle (Jul)
wayfaring tree (Mar)
white clover (Jun)
white dead nettle (Mar)
yellow rattle (May)

(1)  in Willow Pond
(2)  various hybrids

winter twiglet (Jan)  (1)
meadow coral (Sep)  (2)

(1)  Tubaria hiemalis - identification not certain - growing in the new meadow (cleared scrubland)
(2)  Clavulinopsis corniculata - identification not certain - growing in the East Meadow

reported wildlife & flowering plants & fungi - first sightings in the Reserve - 2016
blackbird (Jan)
blackcap (Apr)  (1)
blue tit (Jan)
bullfinch (Apr)  (1)
chiffchaff (Mar)
coal tit (Apr)  (1)
collared dove (Apr)
carrion crow (Apr)
great tit (Jan)
greater spotted woodpecker (Apr)  (1)
greenfinch (Jan)  (1)
grey wagtail (Sep)  (2)
jay (Jan)
kingfisher (Jan)
lesser black-backed gull (Apr)  (2)
long-tailed tit (Apr)
magpie (Jan)
mallard (Apr)
nightingale (May)  (1)
pheasant (Oct)
robin (Jan)
song thrush (Apr)  (1)
sparrow (Jan)
sparrowhawk (Apr)
wood pigeon (Jan)
wren (Apr)  (1)

   brown rat (Feb)
fox (Jan)
grey squirrel (Apr)
roe deer (Mar)  (2)
vole (Jul)  (3)

frog (Jun)  (4)
smooth newt (Apr)

azure damselfly (Jun)
emerald damselfly (Jul)  (2)
large red damselfly (Jun)

brown hawker (Jul)  (2)
common darter (Jul)  (2)
migrant hawker (Sep)

   comma (Apr)
large white (Jul)
Essex skipper (Jul)  (5)
large skipper (Sep)  (2)
orange tip (Apr)
peacock butterfly (Apr)
red admiral (Jul)
small tortoiseshell (Apr)
small white (May)
speckled wood (Apr)

five-spot burnet (Jun)

mayfly (Jul)  (3)

buff-tailed bumblebee (Apr)

7-spot ladybird (Apr)
click beetle (Aug)  (3)
whirligig beetle (Apr)

lesser water boatman (Jul)
pond skater (Apr)

(1)  birds identified by their calls
(2)  identification not certain
(3)  species not identified, probably bank vole or field vole
(4)  heard in Willow Pond, species not identified
(5)  identification not certain - possibly a small skipper

asparagus (Aug)  (1)
bittersweet (Jun)
black medick (Jun)
blackthorn (Mar)
bristly oxtongue (Sep)
Canadian goldenrod (Aug)
charlock (May)
cleavers (Apr)
common dog-violet (Mar)
common field speedwell (Apr)
common fleabane (Jul)
common knapweed (Aug)
common nettle (Jun)
common ragwort (Jul)
common snowberry (Sep)
common sorrel (Jul)
common water-plantain (Aug)
cow parsley (Apr)

   creeping buttercup (May)
creeping thistle (Aug)
cuckoo pint (Aug)
daisy (Apr)
daffodil (Mar)  (2)
dandelion (Apr)
dog rose (May)
elder (May)
field bindweed (Jul)
field pepperwort (May)
fodder vetch (May)
garlic mustard (Apr)
great reedmace (Aug)
great willowherb (Aug)
greater periwinkle (Apr) 
greater stitchwort (Apr)
ground ivy (Apr)
hawthorn (Apr)

   hedge bindweed (Aug)
hedge woundwort (Jun)
herb Robert (Apr)
meadow vetchling (Jun)
Michaelmas daisy (Oct)
perforate St John's wort (Jul)
primrose (Apr)
purple loosestrife (Jul)
red dead nettle (Apr)
ribwort plantain (Jul)
Spanish bluebell (Apr)
sweet violet (Apr)
Turkish iris (Jun)
water-crowfoot (Apr)  (3)
white clover (Jun)
white dead nettle (Apr)
wild teasel (Jul)
yellow flag (Jun)

(1)  not flowering
(2)  various hybrids
(3)  either common water-crowfoot or pond water-crowfoot

clustered bonnet (Nov)  (1)
coral spot (Nov)  (2)
scurfy twiglet (Nov)  (3)

(1)  (Mycena inclinata) identification not certain - growing on the stag beetle log pyramid
(2)  (Nectria cinnabarium) - growing near the stag beetle log pyramid
(3)  (Tubaria furfuracea) identification not certain - growing in the new meadow (cleared scrubland)

reported wildlife & flowering plants - first sightings in the Reserve - 2015
common shrew (Jul)

blackbird (Apr)
blackcap (Apr)
blue tit (Mar)
common buzzard (Jun)
chiffchaff (Apr)
common tern (Jun)  (1)
goldfinch (Aug)
great tit (Apr)
green woodpecker (Aug)
jay (Apr)
kingfisher (Apr)
magpie (Mar)
mallard (Apr)
moorhen (Apr)
robin (Feb)
sparrow (Apr)
sparrowhawk (Apr)
wood pigeon (Mar)
wren (Apr)

three-spined stickleback (Jun)  (2)

   adder (Apr)
grass snake (Apr)

great crested newt (Jul)
smooth newt (Apr)

black slug (Arion ater) (Aug)
snail (Cepaea) (Sep)  (2)

harvestman (Aug)  (3)

black-tailed skimmer (Jun)
broad-bodied chaser (Jun)
four-spotted chaser (Jun)
ruddy darter (Jul)
southern hawker (Sep)
azure damselfly (Jun)
blue-tailed damselfly (Jun)
large red damselfly (Jun)

field grasshoper (Aug)
slender groundhopper (Apr)  (4)

   comma (Apr)
common blue (May)  (2)
orange tip (Apr)
peacock butterfly (Apr)
small tortoiseshell (Apr)
small white (May)
speckled wood (Apr)

red-tailed bumblebee (Apr)

bee-fly (Apr)  (3)
chironomid fly (Jun)  (3)
dung fly (Aug)

scorpion fly (Jun)  (5)

red longhorn beetle (Jun)  (6)
thick-legged flower beetle (Jun)  (7)
whirligig beetle (Jul)

aphid (Jun)  (3)
dock bug (Jun)  (8)
lesser water boatman (Jun)

(1)  flying overhead
(2)  identification not certain
(3)  species not identified
(4)  Tetrix subulata
(5)  female, possibly Panorpa communis
(6)  Stictoleptura rubra
(7)  Oedemera nobilis (false oil beetle, swollen-thighed Beetle)
(8)  Coreus marginatus

blackthorn (Mar)
bramble (Jun)
Canadian goldenrod (Aug)
charlock (Jun)
cleavers (Apr)
common bird's-foot trefoil (Jun)
common dog-violet (Mar)
common duckweed (Jun)
common fleabane (Aug)
common knapweed (Aug)
common mallow (Jun)
common poppy (Jun)
common ragwort (Aug)
common sorrel (Jun)
cow parsley (Apr)
creeping buttercup (Jul)
creeping thistle (Jun)
cuckoo pint (Apr)
cut-leaved crane's-bill (Jun)
daffodil (Mar)  (1)
daisy (Jun)
dandelion (Apr)

   dog rose (Jun)
elder (Jun)
field bindweed (Sep)
fodder vetch (May)
garlic mustard (Apr)
germander speedwell (Jun)
grape hyacinth (Apr)
greater stitchwort (Apr)
hart's tongue fern (Mar)
hawthorn (Apr)
hedge bedstraw (Sep)
hedge bindweed (Aug)
hogweed (Jun)
honeysuckle (Feb)
meadow buttercup (Jun)
meadow vetchling (Aug)
Michaelmas daisy (Oct)
oxeye daisy (Jun)
perennial sow thistle (Aug)
pineapple mayweed (Jun)
primrose (Mar)
purple loosestrife (Aug)

   red bartsia (Aug)
red clover (Jun)
red dead nettle (Apr)
ribbed melilot (Aug)
ribwort plantain (May)
scarlet pimpernel (Jun)
sheep's sorrel (Jun)
smooth hawk's-beard (Aug)
Spanish bluebell (Apr)
spear thistle (Aug)
sweet violet (Apr)
tufted vetch (Jun)
Turkish iris (Jun)
wayfaring tree (Jun)
white clover (Jun)
white dead nettle (Apr)
wild teasel (Aug)
wood anemone (Apr)
yellow archangel (Apr)
yellow flag (Jun)
yellow rattle (Jun)

reported wildlife & flowering plants - first sightings in the Reserve - 2014
blackbird (Jan)
blackcap (Mar)
blue tit (Jan)
chaffinch (Jan)
chiffchaff (Apr)
common tern (Aug)  (2)
carrion crow (Apr)
dunnock (Jan)
goldfinch (Apr)
great tit (Jan)
green finch (Apr)
jay (Feb)
kingfisher (Jul)
long-tailed tit (Jan)
magpie (Jan)
mallard (Jan)
moorhen (Apr)
robin (Jan)
song thrush (Jan)
wood pigeon (Jan)

   fox (Apr)
grey squirrel (Jan)
muntjac deer (Oct)
polecat / ferret (Nov)  (3)

grass snake (Jun)
newt (Apr)  (4)
slow worm (Apr)

stickleback (Jul)  (5)

common woodlouse (Apr)

daphnia (Jul)

buff-tailed bumblebee (Apr)
common carder bee (Mar)  (3)

   comma (Apr)
meadow brown (Jun)
orange tip (Apr)
peacock butterfly (Apr)
red admiral (May)
small heath (Jul)  (3)
small tortoiseshell (Apr)
speckled wood (Apr)

common blue damselfly (Aug)  (3)
emperor dragonfly (Jun)  (6)
migrant hawker (Aug)
southern hawker (Aug)  (3)

bee-fly (Apr)  (4)
large diving beetle (Jul)  (7)
pond skater (Apr)
thick-legged flower beetle (Jun)  (8)
whirligig beetle (Jun)

(1)  some birds identified by their calls
(2)  repeatedly flying over the Reserve
(3)  identification not certain
(4)  species not identified
(5)  in Puckles Pond
(6)  laying eggs in Puckles Pond
(7)  Colymbetes fuscus
(8)  Oedemera nobilis

asparagus (Aug)  (1)
black medick (Jun)
blackthorn (Mar)
bluebell (April)
bramble (May)
broad-leaved pondweed (Aug)  (1)
bulbous buttercup (May)
Canadian goldenrod (Nov)
common bird's-foot trefoil (Jun)
common dog-violet (Mar)
common fleabane (Aug)
common knapweed (Aug)
common mallow (Jun)
common ragwort (Jun)
cow parsley (Apr)
cuckoo pint (Apr)
daffodil (Mar)  (2)
daisy (Apr)
dandelion (Mar)

   field rose (May)
elder (May)
field bindweed (Jul)
fodder vetch (May)
garlic mustard (Apr)
germander speedwell (Mar)
goat's rue (Aug)
grape hyacinth (Apr)
grass vetchling (May)
greater stitchwort (Apr)
ground ivy (Apr)
hawthorn (Apr)
hedge bindweed (May)
hedge woundwort (Jun)
herb Robert (Apr)
honeysuckle (May)
large bindweed (Jul)
lilac (Apr)
meadow buttercup (May)

   meadow foxtail grass (Jun)
Michaelmas daisy (Sep)
oxeye daisy (Jun)
pear (Apr)
primrose (Mar)
purple loosestrife (Aug)
red bartsia (Jun)
red clover (Jun)
red dead nettle (Mar)
ribbed melilot (Jul)
snowdrop (Feb)
water mint (Aug)
wayfaring tree (Apr)
white clover (Jun)
white dead nettle (Mar)
yarrow (Jul)
yellow archangel (Apr)
yellow flag (May)
yellow rattle (Jun)

(1)  not flowering
(2)  various hybrids

reported wildlife & flowering plants - first sightings in the Reserve - 2013
blackbird (Jan)
blackcap (May)
blue tit (Feb)
bullfinch (Mar)
chiffchaff (May)
carrion crow (Apr)
dunnock (Apr)
goldcrest (Feb)
great tit (Feb)
green finch (Feb)
green woodpecker (Mar)
grey heron (Aug)  (2)
jay (Mar)
long-tailed tit (Jan)
magpie (Jan)
mallard (Feb)
moorhen (May)
robin (Feb)
song thrush (May)
sparrow (May)
sparrowhawk (May)
wood pigeon (Feb)
wren (May)

   fox (Feb)

grass snake (May)
great crested newt (Apr)
smooth newt (Apr)
slow worm (Apr)

earthworm (Apr)

great pond snail (May)
snail (Cepaea) (Apr)  (2)

common woodlouse (May)

black millipede (Apr)  (2)

7-spot ladybird (Apr)
acorn beetle (Jun)  (3)
red-headed cardinal beetle (Jun)
longhorn beetle (Jun)

garden ant (Apr)  (4)

   fritillary (Apr)
orange tip (May)
peacock butterfly (Apr)
ringlet (Jul)  (4)
small white (May)
speckled wood (May)
magpie moth (Aug)

buff-tailed bumblebee (Apr)
ichneumon wasp (May)  (2)

azure damselfly (Jun)
blue-tailed damselfly (Jul)
emperor dragonfly (Jun)
large red damselfly (Jun)
southern hawker (Jul)

bee-fly (May)  (2)
crane fly (May)  (2)

greater water boatman (Jul)  (5)
pond skater (Apr)

(1)  some birds identified by their calls
(2)  species not known
(3)  Curculio glandium (Balaninus glandium)
(4)  identification not certain
(5)  Notonecta glauca (common backswimmer)

black horehound (Apr)
black medick (Jun)
bluebell (May)
bramble (Jun)
broad-leaved dock (Jun)
Canadian goldenrod (Aug)
cleavers (May)
common bird's-foot trefoil (Aug)
common dog-violet (Apr)
common fleabane (Sep)
common knapweed (Aug)
common ragwort (Aug)
perforate St John's wort (Aug)
cow parsley (Apr)
cuckoo pint (May)

   daffodil (Apr)  (1)
daisy (Jun)
dandelion (Apr)
field bindweed (Aug)
fodder vetch (May)
garlic mustard (May)
germander speedwell (Apr)
goat's rue (Sep)
great willowherb (Aug)
hairy bittercress (Apr)
hawthorn (May)
hedge bindweed (Jul)
herb Robert (Apr)
honeysuckle (Aug)

   knotgrass (Sep)
meadow foxtail grass (May)
meadow buttercup (May)
oxeye daisy (Jun)
primrose (Mar)
red bartsia (Aug)
red clover (Jun)
red dead nettle (May)
water mint (Sep)
white campion (Jun)
white clover (Jun)
white dead nettle (Apr)
wild teasel (Aug)
yellow rattle (Jun)

(1)  various hybrids

Jim Bishop's plant list for the new area of scrub clearance in Oak Wood - 18 Jun 2013
ash  (Fraxinus excelsior)
aster  (Aster novi-belgii)
black bryony  (Tamus communis)
blackthorn  (sloe)  (Prunus spinosa)
bramble  (Rubus spp - various species)
cat's tail  (Phleum bertolinii)
charlock  (Sinapis arvensis)
creeping cinquefoil  (Potentilla reptans)
cleavers  (Galium aparine)
cock's-foot  (Dactylis glomerata)
common fleabane  (Pulicaria dysenterica)
common nettle  (Urtica dioica)
cow parsley  (Anthriscus sylvestris)
creeping thistle  (Cirsium arvense)
crested dog's tail  (Cynosurus cristatus)
dogwood  (Cornus sanguinea)
false oat grass  (Arrhenatherum elatius)
false-brome  (Brachypodium sylvaticum)
figwort  (Scrophularia nodosa)
field maple  (Acer campestre)
garlic mustard  (Alliaria petiolata)
goat willow  (Salix caprea)
goat's rue  (Galega officinalis)
hard rush  (Juncus inflexus)
hedge bedstraw  (Gallium mollugo)
hedge bindweed  (Calystegia sepium)
hogweed  (Heracleum sphondylium)
honeysuckle  (Lonicera periclymenum)

   ivy  (Hedera helix)
lesser stitchwort  (Stellaria graminea)
male fern  (Dryopteris felix-max)
may  (Crataegus monogyna)
meadow buttercup  (Ranunculus acris)
meadow foxtail  (Alopecurus pratensis)
meadow vetchling  (Lathyrus pratensis)
mugwort  (Artemisia vulgaris)
nipplewort  (Lapsana communis)
oak  (Quercus petraea)
oxford ragwort  (Senecio squalidus)
perforate St John's wort  (Hypericum perforatum)
red campion  (Silene dioica)
remote sedge  (Carex remota)
rose  (Rosa spp - various species)
rough meadow grass  (Poa trivialis)
sheep's sorrel  (Rumex acetosella)
smooth sow thistle  (Sonchus oleraceus)
stone parsley  (Sison amomum)
tufted vetch  (Vicia cracca)
wild carrot  (Daucus carota)
wild cherry  (Prunus avium)
wild teasel  (Dipsacus fullonum)
wood dock  (Rumex sanguineus)
wood sedge  (Carex sylvatica)
yarrow  (Achillea millefolium)
Yorkshire fog  (Holcus lanatus)

reported wildlife, flowering plants & fungi - first sightings in the Reserve - 2012
muntjac deer (Aug)
roe deer (Jul) (1)
fox (Feb)
grey squirrel (Jan)

blackbird (Jan
blackcap (Apr)
blue tit (Jan)
bullfinch (Jan)  (2)
chaffinch (Apr)
chiffchaff (Mar)
collared dove (Jan)
dunnock (Apr)
goldfinch (Apr)
great tit (Mar)
green woodpecker (Mar)
greenfinch (Apr)
house sparrow (May)
jay (Jan)
long-tailed tit (Mar)
magpie (Jan)
mallard (Feb)
robin (Jan)
song thrush (Apr)
wood pigeon (Feb)

   newt (Jun)  (3)
edible frog (Jul)  (4)

great pond snail (May)

comma (Jul)
green-veined white (Aug)
holly blue (Jun)
large skipper (Jun)
long-horned moth (May)
meadow brown (Jul)
orange underwing (Jun)
red admiral (Jun)
ringlet (Jul)
small skipper (Jun)  (1)
small white (Mar)
speckled wood (Jun)

bee-fly (Mar) (5)
common green bottle fly (May)
dung fly (Jul)
flesh fly (Jul)  (5)
midge (Jul)  (5)
sepsis fly (Jul)  (5)
soldier fly (Jul)  (5)

   azure damselfly (Jul)
blue-tailed damselfly (Jul)
common darter (Jul)
ruddy darter (Aug)

red-tailed bumblebee (Mar)
western honey bee (Jul)
white-tailed bumblebee (Jul)  (1)

dark bush-cricket (Jul)
field grasshoper (Jul)
meadow grasshopper (Jul)
speckled bush-cricket (Jul)

7-spot ladybird (Apr)
flea beetle (Jul)  (5)
flower beetle (Jul)  (5)
common red soldier beetle (Jul)
whirligig beetle (Jul)

greater water boatman (Aug)  (6)
lesser water boatman (Jun)
pond skater (Apr)
red and black froghopper (May)
yellow and black leafhopper (Jul)  (7)

(1)  identification not certain
(2)  heard, not seen
(3)  newtlet (tadpole) - species not identified
(4)  heard, not seen; assumed to be edible frog
(5)  species not identified
(6)  Notonecta glauca (common backswimmer)
(7)  Evacanthus interruptus

asparagus (May)  (1)
autumn hawkbit (Jul)
black horehound (Jul)
black medick (Jul)
blackthorn (Mar)
bramble (Jun)
branched bur-reed (Jul)
bristly oxtongue (Jul)
broad-leaved pondweed (Jul)
cat's-ear (Jul)
common centaury (Jul)
charlock (Jul)
cleavers (May)
common bird's-foot trefoil (Jul)
common knapweed (Jul)
common mallow (May)
common ragwort (Jul)
common snowberry (Jul)
common water-plantain (Jul)
cow parsley (May)
creeping thistle (Jul)
cuckoo pint (May)
daffodil (Mar)  (2)
dandelion (Mar)
dog rose (Jun)
elder (Jun)
field bindweed (Jul)

   flowering rush (Jul)
fodder vetch (May)  (3)
garlic mustard (May)
goat's rue (Jun)
great willowherb (Jul)
greater stitchwort (Apr)
green alkanet (May)
hawthorn (Mar)
hedge bedstraw (Jul)
hedge bindweed (Jul)
hedge woundwort (Jun)
hemlock (Jul)
herb Robert (May)
hogweed (Jul)
honeysuckle (May)
hop trefoil (Jun)  (4)
horseradish (Jul)
lesser burdock (Jul)
lupin (Lupin)
meadow buttercup (May)
meadow vetchling (Jul)
melilot (Jul)  (5)
Michaelmas daisy (Oct)
mugwort (Jul)
nipplewort (Jul)
perennial sow thistle (Jul)

   perforate St John's wort (Jul)
oxeye daisy (May)
prickly lettuce (Jul)
primrose (Mar)
purple loosestrife (Jun)
red clover (May)
red dead nettle (Mar)
remote sedge (Jul)
salsify (Jul)
scented mayweed (Jul)
self-heal (Jul)
smooth tare (Jul)
prickly sow thistle (Jul)
tufted meadow grass (Jul)
violet (Mar)  (6)
water-crowfoot (Jul)  (7)
white water-lily (Jul)
wavy bittercress (Mar)
white campion (Jun)
white clover (Jun)
wild teasel (Jul)
white dead nettle (Mar)
wood dock (Jul)
yarrow (Jul)
yellow flag (Jun)
yellow rattle (Jun)

(1)  not in flower
(2)  various hybrids, about a dozen clumps in the East Meadow
(3)  the vetch most commonly found in the Reserve is now thought to be fodder vetch (July 2012)
(4)  identification not certain
(5)  species not identified
(6)  2 varietes, not identified (larger dark purple, and smaller light purple)
(7)  either common water-crowfoot or pond water-crowfoot

bracket fungus (Jan)  (1)

(1)  type not identified (perhaps oyster bracket?)

reported wildlife, flowering plants & fungi - first sightings in the Reserve - 2011
common shrew (Apr)
fox (Jul)
grey squirrel (Nov)
water vole (Jun)

carrion crow (Jan)
blackbird (Apr)
blackcap (Apr)
blue tit (Feb)
bullfinch (Jul)
cetti's warbler (Apr)  (1,2)
chaffinch (Apr)
chiffchaff (Apr)
carrion crow (Apr)
great tit (Jan)
greater spotted woodpecker (Apr)
green woodpecker (Feb)  (2)
house sparrow (Apr)
jay (Jan)
kestrel (?)
long-tailed tit (Mar)
magpie (Jan)
mallard (May)
moorhen (Apr)
robin (Feb)
song thrush (Jul)
sparrowhawk (Apr)  (2)
starling (Apr)
wood pigeon (Jan)
wren (Mar)

adder (Apr)
common lizard (Sep)
grass snake (May)
slow worm (Aug)

frog (Jul)  (3)
great crested newt (Apr)
smooth newt (Apr)

   great pond snail (Apr)

water louse (May)

bee-fly (Apr)
hoverfly (Apr)  (3)
flesh fly (Jun)  (3)

scorpion fly (May)

brimstone butterfly (Apr)
comma (Apr)
Essex skipper (Jul)  (1)
five-spot burnet (Jun)
fritillary (Jun)  (4)
gatekeeper (Jun)  (1)
green-veined white (Jul)
large skipper (Jun)  (1)
meadow brown (Jul)
oak eggar moth (May)  (5)
orange tip (Apr)
red admiral (Jun)
ringlet (Jun)
peacock butterfly (Apr)
burnet moth (May)  (5)
small white (Apr)
speckled wood (Jul)

buff-tailed bumblebee (Apr)  (1)
early bumblebee (Apr)  (1)
red-tailed bumblebee (Apr)  (2)

   azure damselfly (Jun)  (1)
common blue damselfly (May)
large red damselfly (May)
broad-bodied chaser (Jun)
brown hawker (Jul)
emperor dragonfly (May)
four-spotted chaser (Jun)
migrant hawker (Aug) (1)
southern hawker (Aug)

mayfly (May)

false blister beetle (May)  (6)
flea beetle (Jul) (3)
large diving beetle (May)  (7)
thick-legged flower beetle (Jun)  (1)
raspberry beetle (May)
whirligig beetle (Apr)
7-spot ladybird (Jan)
harlequin ladybird (May)
orange ladybird (Feb)  (8)

iris sawfly (May)  (9)

gorse shield bug (May)
pond skater (Apr)
red and black froghopper (May)
horned treehopper (May)

grey bush-cricket (Jun)
Roesel's bush cricket (May)

(1)  identification not certain
(2)  heard, not seen
(3)  species not identified
(4)  possibly a dark green fritillary or a high brown fritillary
(5)  caterpillar - either five spot or six spot burnet moth
(6)  Oedemera nobilis
(7)  Colymbetes fuscus
(8)  16-spot ladybird (Halyzia sedecimguttata)
(9)  larva & imago (adult)

autumn hawkbit (Jul)
bittersweet (May)
black horehound (Jul)
black medick (Jul)
bluebell (Apr)
bulbous buttercup (May)
bush (fodder?) vetch (May)
chickweed (Jul)
cleavers (May)
creeping cinquefoil (Jul)
common bird's-foot trefoil (May)
common dog-violet (Mar)
common fleabane (Jul)
common mallow (May)
common nettle (May)
common water-plantain (Jul)
cow parsley (Apr)
creeping buttercup (Jul)
creeping thistle (Jul)
cuckoo pint (May)
cut-leaved crane's-bill (May)
daffodil (Apr)
daisy (Apr)
dandelion (Apr)
dove's-foot crane's-bill (Jul) (1)

   field bindweed (Jun)
fool's parsley (Jul) (1)
garlic mustard (May)
goat's rue (Jun)
grape hyacinth (Apr)
greater periwinkle (Apr)
greater spearwort (Jul)
greater stitchwort (Apr)
hedge bedstraw (Jul)
hedge bindweed (Jun)
hedge mustard (May)
hedge woundwort (Jun)
herb Robert (May)
hoary cress (May)
hogweed (Jul)
horseradish (Jun)  (1)
lesser stitchwort (May)
lesser trefoil (May)  (2)
meadow buttercup (May)
meadow vetchling (May)
mugwort (May)  (3)
oxeye daisy (May)
perennial sow thistle (Jul)
primrose (Apr)
purple loosestrife (Jun)

   red bartsia (Jul)
red campion (May)
red clover (May)
red dead nettle (Mar)
ribwort plantain (May)
sheep's sorrel (May
smooth hawk's-beard (May)
spotted medick (May)
St John's wort (Jul)  (4)
stone parsley (Jul)  (5)
sweet violet (Mar)
tufted vetch (Jul)
upright hedge parsley (Jul)
white water-lily (Sep)  (3)
wavy bittercress (Mar)
white campion (May)
white clover (Jun)
white dead nettle (Apr)
wild carrot (Jul)
wood avens (May)
yarrow (Jul)
yellow archangel (Apr)
yellow flag (May)
yellow melilot (Jul)
yellow rattle (May)

(1)  identification not certain
(2)  identification not certain (hop trefoil?)
(3)  not in flower
(4)  species not identified
(5)  identification not certain (corn parsley?)

butter cap (greasy tough-shank), Collybia butyracea (Nov)
clouded agaric (clouded funnel cap), Clitocybe nebularis (Nov)
common puffball, Lycoperdon perlatum (Nov)
inkcap, Coprinus (Jul)  (1)
Mycena (Nov)  (1)
poison pie, Hebeloma crustuliniforme (Nov)
russet shank, Collybia dryophila (Nov)
silver-leaf fungus, Chondostereum purpureum (Nov)
wood blewit, Lepista nuda (Nov)
wood woolly-foot, Collybia peronata (Nov)

(1)  species not identified

reported wildlife, flowering plants & fungi - (first) sightings on the Reserve - 2010
brown rat (May)
fox (Nov)
grey squirrel (Nov)
muntjac (Jun)
wood mouse (Nov)  (1)

blackbird (Apr)
blackcap (Apr)
blue tit (Apr)
bullfinch (Apr)
carrion crow (May)
dunnock (Aug)
green woodpecker (Aug)
house martin (Jun)
jay (Apr)
kingfisher (Jun)
long-tailed tit (Sep)
magpie (Apr)
mallard (Apr)
moorhen (Apr)
sparrowhawk (Jun)
wood pigeon (Apr)

   adder (Aug)
common lizard (Apr)
great crested newt (Apr)
smooth newt (Apr)
grass snake (Jun)

earthworm (Apr)

great pond snail (Jul)

daphnia (Apr)

7-spot ladybird (Apr)
common red soldier beetle (Apr)
large diving beetle (Sep) (2)
water ladybird (Jun)
whirligig beetle (Jul)

pond skater (Jul)
red-tailed bumblebee (Apr)
iris sawfly (Jul)  (3)
caddisfly (Limnephilus) (Apr)  (4)

   comma (Apr)
gatekeeper (Aug)
holly blue (Jun)
large white (Jul)
meadow brown (Aug)
orange tip (Apr)
peacock butterfly (Apr)
red admiral (Jun)
small white (Apr)
speckled wood (Jun)

brown hawker (Aug)
common darter (Sep)
four-spotted chaser (Jun)
emperor dragonfly (Aug)
common darter (Aug)  (5)
ruddy darter (Aug)  (6)
southern hawker (Aug)  (7)
azure damselfly (Jun)  (8)
blue-tailed damselfly (Jun)
common blue damselfly (Jun)  (8)
large red damselfly (Jun)  (8)
scarce emerald damselfly (Jun)  (8)

(1)  identification made from droppings and half-eaten food in dormouse shelters
(2)  Colymbetes fuscus
(3)  Rhadinoceraea micans - larvae on yellow flag
(4)  larvae - species not identified
(5)  identification not certain - possibly ruddy darter
(6)  male & female
(7)  identification not certain
(8)  male

asparagus (Nov)
bittersweet (Jun)
blackthorn (Apr)
bluebell (May)
bramble (Jun)
bush vetch (May)  (1)
buttercup (May)
Canadian goldenrod (Sep)
chickweed (Apr)
common fleabane (Aug)
common mallow (Jul)
common nettle (Jun)
common ragwort (Sep)
common water-plantain (Jul)
corn parsley (Aug)
cow parsley (Apr)
creeping cinquefoil (Jun)

   creeping thistle (Aug)
dandelion (Apr)
dog rose (Jun)
elder (Jun)
field pepperwort (Jun)
flowering rush (Aug)
greater spearwort (Aug)
greater stitchwort (Apr)
hawthorn (May)
hedge bindweed (Sep)
hedge mustard (Jun)
herb Robert (May)
hogweed (Jun)
field bindweed (Aug)
lilac (Apr)
Michaelmas daisy (Sep)

   Oregon grape (Apr)  (2)
primrose (Apr)
purple loosestrife (Aug)
red dead nettle (Apr)
spear thistle (Aug)
stonewort (Sep)  (3)
sweet violet (Apr)
upright hedge parsley (Jul)
water mint (Sep)
wavy bittercress (Apr)  (4)
white clover (Jul)
white dead nettle (Apr)
white water-lily (Aug)
wild carrot (Aug)
wild teasel (Sep)
yellow flag (Jun)

(1)  the vetch most commonly found in the Reserve is now thought to be fodder vetch (July 2012)
(2)  Mahonia aquifolium (holly-leaved berberry)
(3)  possibly Chara globularis (fragile stonewort)
(4)  identification not certain

amethyst deceiver (Sep)
bay boletus (Sep)
milkcap (Sep)  (1)
russula (Sep)  (1)

(1)  species not identified

reported wildlife & flowering plants - (first) sightings on the Reserve - 2009
blackbird (Jul)
blackcap (Apr)
blue tit (Jan)
bullfinch (Jan)
chaffinch (Apr)
chiffchaff (Mar)
collared dove (Jan)
coot (May)
carrion crow (May)
cuckoo (Apr)  (1)
dunnock (Jan)
egret (May)  (2)
garden warbler (May)
goldfinch (Mar)
great tit (Jan)
green woodpecker (Sep)
greenfinch (Mar)
jay (Jan)
kingfisher (Jan)
long-tailed tit (Jan)
magpie (Jan)
mallard (Feb)
robin (Jan)
song thrush (May)
stonechat (May)  (1) (??)
willow warbler (Apr)
wood pigeon (Mar)
wren (Jan)

   brown rat (Jul)
fox (Jan)

grass snake (Apr)
great crested newt (Apr)
smooth newt (Apr)

earthworm (Jan)

funnel web spider (Jul)
nursery web spider (Apr)

common woodlouse (Apr)

great diving beetle (Sep)  (3)
lesser diving beetle (May)  (4,5)
whirligig beetle (Jun)

bedeguar gall wasp (Aug)  (6)
buff-tailed bumblebee (Mar)  (4)
cuckoo bee (Nomada) (Apr)  (7)

bee-fly (Bombylius) (Apr)  (6)

caddisfly (Limnephilus) (Apr)  (7)

meadow grasshopper (Jul)

   pond skater (Jun)
shield bug (Apr)  (6)

azure damselfly (May)  (4)
blue-tailed damselfly (May)
broad bodied damselfly (Jun)
common blue damselfly (Jun)
common darter (Aug)
emperor dragonfly (May)
four-spotted chaser (Jun)
large red damselfly (May)
ruddy darter (Jun)
scarce emerald damselfly (Aug)
southern hawker (Aug)

Essex skipper (Jul)
green oak tortrix (May)  (4,5)
large white (Apr)
meadow brown (Jun)  (4)
orange tip (Apr)
painted lady (Jun)
peacock butterfly (Mar)
common blue (May)  (4)
small copper (May)
small white (May)
speckled wood (Apr)

(1)  song heard
(2)  flying over the Reserve
(3)  Colymbetes fuscus
(4)  identification not certain
(5)  caterpillar / larva
(6)  Diplolepis rosae - larvae - rose bedeguar gall, Robin's pincushion
(7)  species not identified

autumn hawkbit (Aug)
bittersweet (Aug)
black medick (Aug)
blackthorn (Apr)
bluebell (Apr)
bramble (May)
bristly oxtongue (Aug)
broad-leaved pondweed (Aug)
Buddleja davidii (Aug)
branched bur-reed (Aug)
bush vetch (May)  (1)
Canadian goldenrod (Aug)
canadian pond weed (Aug)
club-rush (Aug)  (2)
common bird's-foot trefoil (Jun)
common fleabane (Aug)
common mallow (Jul)
common nettle (Aug)
common ragwort (Jul)
common reed (Aug)
cow parsley (Apr)
creeping cinquefoil (Aug)
creeping thistle (Aug)
cuckoo pint (May)
cut-leaved crane's-bill (May)
daisy (May)
dandelion (Mar)

   daffodil (Mar)
dove's-foot crane's-bill (Aug)
field bindweed (Jul)
flowering rush (Aug)  (3)
goat's rue (Aug)
cleavers (Aug)
grass vetchling (Jun)
great willowherb (Aug)
great lettuce (Sep)
great reedmace (Aug)  (4)
greater plantain (Aug)
greater spearwort (Aug)
greater stitchwort (Apr)
hawkweed ox-tongue (Aug)
hedge bindweed (Jul)
hedge mustard (Aug)
hedge woundwort (Aug)
hogweed (Aug)
lesser stitchwort (Jun)
hawthorn (May)
herb Robert (May)
honeysuckle (Jun)
lesser celandine (Mar)
many-flowered woodrush (Aug)
meadow buttercup (May)
Michaelmas daisy (Sep)

   mugwort (Aug)
primrose (Mar)
privet (Aug)
purple loosestrife (Jul)
red clover (Jun)
red dead nettle (Jul)
rigid hornwort (Aug)  (3)
rowan (Aug)
smaller cat's-tail (Aug)
spear thistle (Aug)
perforate St John's wort (Aug)
smooth tare (Aug)
sweet vernal grass (Aug)  (2)
sweet violet (Mar)
tufted vetch (Aug)
upright hedge parsley (Jul)
water milfoil (Aug)  (3)
water mint (Aug)
white clover (Jun)
white dead nettle (Apr)
wild teasel (Aug)
wood avens (May)
wood dock (Aug)
false-brome (Aug) (3)
yarrow (Jul)
yellow medick (Aug)
Yorkshire fog (Aug)

(1)  the vetch most commonly found in the Reserve is now thought to be fodder vetch (July 2012)
(2)  species not identified
(3)  identification not certain
(4)  Typha latifolia

Graham Bailey's 2009 moth surveys (assisted by Betty Haynes and Les Steward)

for more details see  Noak Bridge Nature Reserve Moth Recording Project - Summer 2009

(29th June)

barred yellow
brown scallop
buff arches
clouded silver
common emerald
dotted fan-foot
green carpet
July highflyer
peach blossom
Platyptilia pallidactyla
slender brindle
smoky wainscot
southern wainscot
swallowtail moth
the flame

(31st July)

broad-bordered yellow underwing
chocolate tip
clouded border
dark umber
drinker moth
olive moth
pale prominent
purple bar
red underwing
ruby tiger
tree-lichen beauty
Webb's wainscot

   (8th August)

barred rivulet
brown China mark moth
common wave
coxcomb prominent
dark spinach
dark sword grass
diamond-back moth
magpie moth
poplar grey
ringed China mark moth
sallow kitten
silver Y
small China mark moth
small rufous

(19th August)

brimstone moth
Chinese character
cloaked minor
common carpet
copper underwing
flounced rustic
lesser broad-bordered yellow underwing
light emerald
maiden's blush
old lady moth
orange sallow
setaceous Hebrew character
six-striped rustic
small blood-vein
swallow prominent
willow beauty

reported wildlife & flowering plants - (first) sightings on the Reserve - 2008
blackbird (Feb)
blackcap (Mar)
blue tit (Jan)
bullfinch (Feb)
chaffinch (Feb)
chiffchaff (Apr)  (1)
collared dove (Apr)
carrion crow (May)
dunnock (Jan)
great tit (Mar)
greenfinch (Mar)
grey heron (Apr)
house sparrow (Feb)
jay (Feb)
kingfisher (Apr)
magpie (Jan)
mallard (Apr)
marsh tit (Oct)
mistle thrush (May)
moorhen (Apr)
pheasant (Apr)
robin (Jan)
shoveler (Apr)
song thrush (Apr)  (1)
sparrowhawk (Apr)
spotted woodpecker (Feb)  (2)
swallow (May)
common whitethroat (Apr)
wood pigeon (Jan)
wren (Jan)

   fox (Apr)
grey squirrel (Jan)
common shrew (Aug)

fish (Aug)  (3)

common frog (Aug)
edible frog (May)  (4)
great crested newt (Mar)
smooth newt (Apr)

grass snake (Apr)

pond snail (May)

water spider (May)

broad-bodied chaser (May)
emperor dragonfly (Jul)
four-spotted chaser (May)

blue-tailed damselfly (May)
large red damselfly (May)

   common blue (May)
gatekeeper (Aug)
green-veined white (Jul)  (5)
large white (Apr)
orange tip (Apr)
meadow brown (Jul)
peacock (Apr)
ringlet (Jul)
skipper (Aug)
common blue (Aug)  (5)
speckled wood (Apr)

brimstone moth (Apr)
figure of eight moth (May)  (6)
tortrix moth (May)  (6)

dark-edged bee-fly (Apr)  (7)
blow fly (Apr)

mining bee (Apr)
white-tailed bumblebee (Mar)

7-spot ladybird (Apr)

red and black froghopper (Jun)  (8)
greater water boatman (Apr)  (9)
pond skater (Apr)

oak bush-cricket (May)

(1)  identified by its song
(2)  unable to identify whether great or lesser spotted woodpecker
(3)  in stream by bridge at southern end of Plotlands Way (sticklebacks?)
(4)  a colony of edible frogs has since been identified in the Reserve by the Essex Amphibian and Reptile Group
(5)  identification not certain
(6)  caterpillar
(7)  Bombylius major
(8)  Cercopis vulnerata
(9)  Notonecta glauca (common backswimmer)

bittersweet (Aug)
black medick (Jun)
blackthorn (Feb)
bluebell (Apr)
bramble (May)
bush vetch (Jun)  (1)
buttercup (May)
Canadian goldenrod (Aug)
common bird's-foot trefoil (Jun)
common fleabane (Aug)
common mallow (Jun)
common ragwort (Aug)
common sorrel (Jun)
cow parsley (Apr)
creeping cinquefoil (Jun)  (2)
cuckoo pint (May)
curled dock (Jun)
cut-leaved dead-nettle (Apr)

   dandelion (Mar)
daffodil (Apr)
daisy (Jun)
dog rose (Jun)
garlic mustard (Apr)
greater stitchwort (Apr)
ground ivy (Apr)
hawthorn (Apr)
hedge bindweed (Aug)
herb Robert (Aug)
honeysuckle (Apr)
hop (Jun)  (3)
lupin (May)
Michaelmas daisy (Aug)
oxeye daisy (Jun)
pear (Apr)
purple loosestrife (Aug)

   privet (Jun)
red campion (May)
red clover (Jun)
redshank (Sep)
ribwort plantain (Jun)
St John's wort (Aug)  (3)
sweet violet (Feb)
germander speedwell (Apr)
white campion (Jun)
white clover (Jun)
white dead-nettle (Mar)
white water-lily (Jun)
wild teasel (Aug)
yarrow (Aug)
yellow archangel (Apr)
yellow flag (Jun)
yellow rattle (May)

(1)  the vetch most commonly found in the Reserve is now thought to be fodder vetch (July 2012)
(2)  ID not certain
(3)  species not identified

white slime mold (type not identified)

reported wildlife (first) sightings on the Reserve - 2007
fox (Jan)
grey squirrel (May)
pygmy shrew (Apr)  (3)

blackbird (Jul)
blackcap (May)
blue tit (Feb)
collared dove (Mar)
coot (Mar)
carrion crow (Mar)
egret (Mar)  (1)
fieldfare (Jan)
goldfinch (Jan)
great tit (Mar)
greater spotted woodpecker (Jun)
green woodpecker (Mar)
greenfinch (Mar)
herring gull (Mar)  (2)
house sparrow (Mar)
jay (Jun)
magpie (Feb)
mallard (Mar)
moorhen (Mar)
robin (Nov)
common whitethroat (May)
wood pigeon (Feb)
wren (Mar)

adder (Mar)
grass snake (Apr)
great crested newt (Mar)

   great pond snail (Aug)

garden spider (Aug)
wasp spider (Aug)

field grasshoper (Aug)
meadow grasshopper (Aug)
grey bush-cricket (Aug)
oak bush-cricket (Aug)
short-winged conehead cricket (Aug)
speckled bush-cricket (Aug)

Batman hoverfly (Apr)  (4)

opomyzid fly (Jul)  (5)

bumblebee (Mar)
cuckoo bee (May)  (6)

oak apple gall wasp (Jul)  (7)

blue-tailed damselfly (Jul)  (8)
blue-tailed damselfly (Jul)  (9)
emerald damselfly (Aug)
four-spotted chaser (Jun)
large red damselfly (May)
ruddy darter (Jul)
southern hawker (Jun)

   brimstone butterfly (Apr)
clouded yellow (Apr)
comma (Mar)
common blue (Apr)
gatekeeper (Aug)
holly blue (Jun)
meadow brown (Jun)
orange tip (Apr)
painted lady (Apr)
peacock (Apr)
small white (Apr)
small tortoiseshell (Jun)
speckled wood (Apr)

brown china mark moth (Jul)
rosy footman moth (Jan)  (10)
small ranunculus (Aug)  (10)
webb's wainscot (Aug)  (11)

common froghopper (Aug)
fine streaked bugkin (May)  (12)
green shield bug (Sep)
lesser water boatman (Aug)

(1)  in the field bordering Plotlands Way
(2)  flying overhead
(3)  dead
(4)  Myathropa florea
(5)  Opomyza germinationis
(6)  Nomada fulvicornis
(7)  Andricus quercuscalicis (oak apple gall containing larva)
(8)  Ischnura elegans (male)
(9)  Ischnura elegans rufescens (female)
(10)  larva
(11)  pupa case
(12)  Miris striatus

lesser spearwort (Jul)
water mint (Jul)
branched bur-reed (Jul)
water forget-me-not

reported wildlife (first) sightings on the Reserve - 2006
grey squirrel (Jan)
pygmy shrew (Jun)

adder (Apr)
smooth newt (May)  *
grass snake (Jul)
slow worm (Jul)

comma (Apr)
brimstone butterfly (Aug)
common blue (Aug)
Essex skipper (Jun)
green-veined white (Jun)
large white (Jun)
meadow brown (Jun)
orange tip (Apr)
painted lady (Jun)
peacock (Apr)
red admiral (Jul)
ringlet (Jun)
skipper (Jun)
small copper (Sep)
small tortoiseshell (Apr)
speckled wood (May)
   bearded tit (Jul)
blackbird (Apr)
blackcap (Apr)
blue tit (Jul)
bullfinch (Feb)
chaffinch (Jun)
chiffchaff (Apr)
collared dove (Apr)
carrion crow (Apr)
dunnock (Apr)
fieldfare (Jan)
goldcrest (Jul)
great tit (Apr)
great spotted woodpecker (Jul)
green woodpecker (Apr)
greenfinch (Apr)
grey heron (Feb)
jay (Apr)
kestrel (Apr)
long-tailed tit (Apr)
magpie (Apr)
mistle thrush (Apr)
moorhen (Apr)
redwing (Apr)
robin (Apr)
sparrowhawk (May)
starling (Jul)
stonechat (May) (??)
swallow (Apr)
treecreeper (Jul)
wren (Apr)

   bedeguar gall wasp (Jul)
bumblebee (Feb)

common field grasshopper (Jun)
dark bush-cricket (Jul)
meadow grasshopper (Aug)

hawthorn shield bug (May)

damselfly (green) (Jun)  **
common blue damselfly (Jun)

dragonfly (hawker) (Jul)  **
dragonfly (large red) (Jul)  **
emperor dragonfly (Jun)  ***
four-spotted chaser (Jul)
migrant hawker (Sep)

common fleabane (Pulicaria dysenterica)
cuckoo pint (Arum maculatum)
purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria)
water mint (Mentha aquatica)

blackish-purple russula (Russula atropurpurea)
common white helvella (Helvella crispa)
yellow slime mold (Fuligo septa)

*    identification not certain - possibly a great crested newt
**   species not identified
***  female, laying eggs in Puckles Pond

Ranger's record of wildlife sightings on the Reserve - 2005
grass snake

slow worm

chiff chaff
pied wagtail

brimstone butterfly
common blue
gatekeeper (Aug)
speckled wood

   dock bug (Coreus marginatus)
red tailed bumblebee
western honey bee (Apis mellifera)
common red soldier beetle
large red damselfly
common blue damselfly
common darter
southern hawker dragonfly
migrant hawker dragonfly
bolete blacklet hoverfly (Cheilosia scutellata)
marmalade hoverfly (Episyrphus balteatus)
Batman hoverfly (Myathropa florae)
glass-winged hoverfly (Syrphus vitripennis)

lesser garden spider (Meta segmentata)

cuckoo pint

flowers identified in the reserve during summer 2002
bush vetch  (1)
Canadian goldenrod
common bird's-foot trefoil
common couch grass
common dog-violet
common fleabane
common horsetail
common poppy
cowbane (?)
white dead nettle
dog rose
field bindweed
field horetail
floating sweet grass
grass vetchling
hedge bindweed
meadow buttercup
meadow foxtail grass
meadow grass
   oxeye daisy
meadow vetchling (Jun)
purple clover
purple loosestrife
red nettle
scarlet pimpernel
sweet violet
vernal grass
white clover
wild carrot
wild mustard
wild radish
wild teasel

(1)  the vetch most commonly found in the Reserve is now thought to be fodder vetch (July 2012)

birds identified by Betty Haynes from spring 2002 to spring 2003
blue tit
chiff chaff
collar dove
great tit
green finch
   green woodpecker
grey heron
kingfisher (Jan)
l/spotted woodpecker
long-tailed tit
mistle thrush
pied wagtail
rook (?)
song thrush
spotted flycatcher
stonechat (??)
wood pigeon

birds seen in the Reserve between November 1999 and February 2000
barn owl
blue tit
collared dove
fieldfare (Jan)
great spotted woodpecker
green woodpecker
   grey heron
kingfisher (Jan)
lesser spotted woodpecker
mistle thrush
pied wagtail
red crested pochard
stonechat (??)
song thrush
tufted duck
wood pigeon

fungi found on foray led by Steve Prewer, October 1999
Agrocybe erebia
Armillaria tabescens (false honey fungus)
Boletus (species not identified)
Clitocybe flaccida (tawny funnel-cap)
Collybia fusipes (spindle shank)
Collybia peronata (wood woolly-foot)
Coprinus comatus (shaggy ink-cap)
Coriolus versicolor (many-zoned polypore)
Cortinarius purpurascens
Flammulina velutipes (velvet shank)
   Galerina mutabilis
Heteroporus biennis (mazy-gill bracket)
Incrustoporia semipileata (bracket-type)
Laccaria laccata (deceiver)
Lepiota rhacodes (shaggy parasol)
Mycena (speirea?)
Nectria cinnabarina (coral spot fungus)
Nolanea staurospora
Russula fragilis (fragile russula)
Scleroderma (areolatum?)

trees and shrubs list
crab apple
crack willow
dog rose
English elm
field maple
   field rose
goat willow
grey willow
horse chestnut
lombardy poplar
Norway maple
pedunculate oak
pussy willow
silver birch
wayfaring tree
wild cherry
wild plum
wild service tree

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thanks to Coco De Mole for the Kingfisher photos (taken Dec 2015)
thanks to Graham Bailey for the 2009 moth surveys data and the June 2024 clearwing sightings
thanks to Jean Youé and Joan Fynn for help with flower identifications
many thanks to Jim Bishop for his June 2013 'flower list', and November 2011 mushroom identifications, as well as much other help
thanks to John Pettitt for the female common darter photo
thanks to Mark Williams for many identifications of birds by their songs and also with insect identifications
thanks to Ray Cranfield of the Essex Amphibian and Reptile Group for identifying the colony of edible frogs in the Reserve
thanks to Richard Chew for the male common darter & southern migrant hawker photos and regular reports of sightings 2020-2024
thanks to Sarah Meyer for the forest bug photo
email contact - info@nbnrs.org.uk
last updated - 13 October 2024
URL - http://www.nbnrs.org.uk/wildlife.html