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NBNR  -  beetles & bugs

(click on pics to see full size images in a new window)

Coleoptera  -  beetles

common red soldier beetle
common red soldier beetle
(hogweed bonking beetle
/ bloodsucker beetle)
Rhagonycha fulva

devil's coach-horse beetle
devil's coach-horse beetle
Ocypus olens

leaf beetle
leaf beetle  (1)
Chrysolina? / Agelastica?

red-headed cardinal
red-headed cardinal beetle
Pyrochroa serraticornis

red longhorn beetle
red longhorn beetle
(red-brown longhorn beetle)
Stictoleptura rubra

seven-spot ladybird
seven-spot ladybird
Coccinella septempunctata

yellow flag - Willow Pond
thick-legged flower beetle
(false oil beetle
/ swollen-thighed beetle)
Oedemera nobilis

wasp beetle on cow parsley
wasp beetle
Clytus arietis

(1)  maybe Klamath weed beetle (Chrysolina quadrigemina) or blue mint beetle (Chrysolina coerulans) or alder leaf beetle (Agelastica alni)?

Hemiptera  -  bugs

black-and-red froghoppers
black-and-red froghopper (red and black froghopper)
Cercopis vulnerata

black aphids
black bean aphids?
Aphis fabae?
(tended by ants - lasius niger?)

cinnamon bug
cinnamon bug
Corizus hyoscyami

common water-measurer
common water-measurer
Hydrometra stagnorum

dock bug
dock bug
Coreus marginatus

fine streaked bugkin
fine streaked bugkin
Miris striatus

forest bug
forest bug (red-legged shield bug)
Pentatoma rufipes

common backswimmer
greater water boatman (common backswimmer)
Notonecta glauca

hairy shield bug
hairy shield bug (sloe bug)
Dolycoris baccarum

striped oak bug
striped oak bug
Rhabdomiris striatellus
/ Calocoris striatellus

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thanks to Colin Brodie for the photos of the red longhorn and thick-legged flower beetles
thanks to Mark Williams for the fine streaked bugkin photo
thanks to Richard Chew for the red-headed cardinal beetle, cinnamon bug, common water-measurer and hairy shield bug photos
thanks for Sarah Meyer for the forest bug photo
thanks to Sol Perkins for the left black-and-red froghoppper photo
thanks to Weed for the leaf beetle, wasp beetle and right black-and-red froghopper photos
thanks to John Pettitt for the remaining photos
email contact - info@nbnrs.org.uk
last updated - 19 July 2024
URL - http://www.nbnrs.org.uk/gall17_beetles_and_bugs.html